On May 1, 2005 I started my tenure as your director of the Tucker Free Library. I have been so fortunate to share my love of libraries with you. Libraries provide a welcoming place where connections are made and relationships are reinforced. People share experiences at the library that unite us not divide us. Libraries fortify the social networks so critical to maintaining a healthy continuum of life. Libraries feed our minds, hearts, and souls. Libraries sate our curiosities. Libraries bridge the gap over the various divides that have emerged in our society. We help those struggling with the digital world and with numerous other literacies. Libraries provide programs to inform everyone. We welcome all who cross our threshold and hold no judgment when you seek our assistance. I am proud of the people who I have worked with here and the collection that the staff has curated. Staff members have delivered library materials to your home. We have surprised you with a new book by your favorite author when you walked through our doors. We have satisfied many special requests for books on a wide variety of topics. We have listened to you; adding countless opportunities for you to connect from Homeschooling Meetups to Toddler Time, from adult book discussions to game times. All of these things make our library an award winning one!

Wendy Lilly-Hansen

Library Services Coordinator

I have always loved books and helping people find something good to read. I will read most anything but my favorite is the one I read when Hagrid is on my lap! Libraries are important community resources, they are gathering places, staff helps to foster literacy through programs, and they share knowledge and ideas. I hope to continue this tradition at Tucker Free. When not reading or working I enjoy gardening, fiber arts, and photography!
I strive to make the library a warm and welcoming place for all our patrons. I feel it is important to nurture children’s enthusiasm for books and love of reading which can help them become life-long readers. At the library patrons, young and old, can connect with one another and with books and materials that they find interesting, meaningful, informative, and of course, fun!!


Library Services Coordinator

“The library is not just a place where books are kept, it is the place where all the information, imagination, and inspiration begin. For the past two years since I have worked to help make the Tucker Free Library a fun and creative place for everyone. As a new Library Services Coordinator, I hope to continue bringing meaningful experiences to the library and the Henniker community. I am passionate about making the Tucker Free library a safe and welcoming space for everyone

Cynthia Moussea


Cynthia is a lifelong reader and loves the connection that books can be for a community. Cynthia comes to the Tucker Free Library with a background in the law: when she's not at the library, she's a staff attorney at the New England Innocence Project where she works to free innocent people from prison. Cynthia will read anything from fantasy to the instruction booklet for the remote control, but she probably prefers the fantasy to the instructions. Cynthia also enjoys photography, art, and yoga. Cynthia hopes to continue to make the library a beloved space for everyone to visit, find peace, and connect.

Looking for books? Need to renew items that you have checked out? CLICK HERE