Open House 4/7/22

Tucker Free Library - NHPA Condition Assessment Report

Moose Plate Casement Window Project


Five years, three warrant articles, many discussions, and finally 4 weeks of the hottest summer in memory our roofing project has been completed!  G. Ray Colby & Sons put the first shingle roof on thirty-five years ago and his son Patrick just finished the 2018 job.  When asked if there is a third generation of Colby roofers who will replace the project 40 years from now, he replied with a resounding “No.”

Throughout the history of the Tucker Free Library, Henniker residents have supported projects like this.  Recognizing that TFL is a gem of our community, everyone in town has a vested interest in maintaining the facility.  Thank you to all the “Stewards” of the TFL, without your considered support this building wouldn’t be what it is today!


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REFLECTING ON OUR HISTORY -- Henniker Celebrates 250 Years

As part of the Henniker, NH 250th Celebration this year, the Tucker Free Library is remembering the integral role the library has played in the community and the part the community has fulfilled in building a great institution, the crown jewel of Henniker.



The lampposts, which were originally installed in 1904, were turned on at a lighting ceremony at the Tucker Free Library on December 13, 2017.  Library trustees and community members, excited to see the globes aglow, counted down to the moment when library director Lynn Piotrowicz and project foreman Keith DeMoura flipped the switch.  Discovered by library personnel while cleaning the attic eight years ago, staff members began searching for ways to fund the restoration and return of the architectural feature on the front porch. Funding for this project was made possible through a grant from the Moose Plate Program & New Hampshire Department of Cultural Resources, and the State Council on the Arts. They were repaired by the Conant Metal & Light Co. in Burlington, VT.  Community members and library supporters, Keith and Nancy DeMoura along with Marc Aucoin helped spearhead the effort to return the lamps, working together with Piotrowicz to return this critical architectural feature, too long absent from the library’s front entryway.

The Tucker Free Library is supported in part by a grant from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.

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New Hampshire Register of Historic Places Designation & Moose Plate Grant Recipient

HEN0014_05The Tucker Free Library opened its doors for operation on September 22, 1904.  A fixture in this community for over one hundred years, the library was recently recognized as a location on the New Hampshire Register of Historic Places.

A recipient of Moose Plate Grants FY  2013-2014, 2014-2015, and 2015-2016 enabled us to restore and preserve the stained glass transom on the Main Floor as well as the large triptych and sidelights on the "front porch."

Library administration was charged with completed detailed reports to NH Division of Cultural Resources to determine if the Tucker Free Library was an historically significant building worthy of these honors.  Now that our building has been named to the New Hampshire Register of Historic Places, we are eligible for variances and funding to maintain the building in perpetuity.  As a result of this extensive study, our director has been working on a comprehensive history of the Tucker Free Library.

Patti N. Osgood Named Trustee of the Year

In 2013 the trustees of the Tucker Free Library nominated Patti Osgood for the honor of New Hampshire Trustees Association Lillian Edelmann Trustee of the Year. Complete with subterfuge and duplicity, her nominators surprised her with the announcement at an "emergency" board meeting.  Patti received her award at a reception at the Tucker Free Library on December 9, 2013.  The program included a proclamation by Town Administrator Tom Yennerell, comments by long time trustee Christine Putnam Anderson, and the presentation of the award by Adele Knight and Connie Kirwin of the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association.

Library Stories & Pictures


Ann S. Soderstrom Revitalization Project -- 2013

12In 2008, long time Henniker resident and library supporter, Ann S. Soderstrom left the Tucker Free Library money in her will.  A portion of the money was used in 2013 to create the Ann S. Soderstrom Media Center and Reading Area within the Hollis Room of the Main Floor.  Carpeting was replaced throughout the entire building and the hardwood and terrazzo flooring was expertly cleaned and polished. A dedication ceremony was held on June 26, 2013.  June 24th would have marked Ann's 82 birthday.  The event was attended by many friends of the library and included speeches by Patti N. Osgood, Chair of the Board of Trustees and Lynn M. Piotrowicz, Director of the Tucker Free Library and Project Manager.




Many people, after tasting our chili at the Henniker Rotary Chili Fest, asked us for our recipe.


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