HIMSELF by Jess Kidd

Reading Suggestions for You!Recommended by Denise Getts4/5/2017This is a murder mystery that is at times brutal, but also funny, imaginative and compelling.  I fell in love with the characters, the village and the wonderful prose by Jess Kidd.  Such wonderful descriptions of every day events made it almost like poetry.  I laughed out loud at parts and gasped in horror


Recommended by Lynne Lawrence3/21/2017Nothing more exciting for those of us who garden than those seed catalogs which show up in the mail just in the nick of time to save us from the winter doldrums.  I always tell people my garden is at its very best right now – when it’s a glorious plan, full of perfectly blended colors, lush

Waking Lions

Reviewed by Lynn M. Piotrowicz3/14/2017On Monday I started Waking Lions by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen. When my spouse arrived home it was stated, “you must really like that book because you have that look on your face.  You get an intense look when you are into a book.”  Mind you, I am sitting in the middle of the couch surrounded by darkness


I recently devoured called Setting Free the Kites by novelist Alex George.  Reminiscent of the great characters in John Irving’s Hotel New Hampshire and the atmospheric Empire Falls by Richard Russo, George takes us to a fictional town on the coast of Maine.  Anyone who has visited the Maine coast will recognize the cold surf, the dilapidated mills, and the

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