UNDAUNTED COURAGE by STEPHEN AMBROSERecommended by Lynne Lawrence11/18/2016If you are going to read only one book about American history in your entire lifetime, I would suggest Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose.   I’ve always been fascinated by the Lewis and Clark expedition, and this book, published in 1997, is history come alive.  And for good reason – Ambrose makes extensive use

MY FAVORITE AUTHORSRecommended by Lynne Lawrence11/01/2016Don’t you love it when you have a couple of “go-to” authors you can always depend on?  I’m all for trying something new but when your reading life hits a dry spell – several books in a row just don’t grab you – it’s a relief to turn to an author you know won’t let

TRIALS OF THE EARTH by MARY MANN HAMILTONRecommended by Penny Petkiewicz10/27/2016 Who would believe that a woman who lived from 1866 to approximately 1936 and settled in the Mississippi Delta could have written a book about her life that would resonate with people living in the 21st century?  READ MORE… 

A GENTLEMAN IN MOSCOW by AMOR TOWLESRecommended by Lynn Piotrowicz10/14/2016Reminiscent of the Russia of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, or Solzhenitsyn the author Amor Towles portrays the gluttony of the aristocracy and the harshness of reformation, rebellion, and radicalization. When we first meet the Count Alexander Rostov he is standing before a Bolshevik tribunal, sentenced to live his life under house arrest for acts of

“THE NIX” by Nathan HillRecommended by Lynn M. Piotrowicz9/27/2016GENIUS. (You should read that as GENIUS PERIOD).  Nathan Hill engages the reader early on when he introduces us to Samuel Andresen Anderson.  He spins a yarn with complete with a gaggle of great characters reminiscent of the best of Irving, Russo, or Toole. He weaves their stories together in an outstanding

Reading Suggestions for You!”WRIGHT BROTHERS” BY DAVID MCCULLOUGHRecommended by Lynne Lawrence9/20/16 So you’re stuck in the security line at the Manchester airport, wondering if you can possibly make your flight, hoping that bottle of mouthwash in your carry-on is less than 3 ounces, dreading letting go of your iPhone for even a moment; chances are you are not thinking about the

Theory of Everything Nordic & Hillbilly ElegyRecommended by Lynn M. Piotrowicz9/13/2016As I was leaving for a symposium a few weeks ago, I discovered that the book I had selected to take with me wasn’t of interest. Since the library was closed and before panic set in, I went to my favorite library website (Tucker Free Library eContent) to look for

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