MISCHLINGBy Affinity KonarReviewed 1/12/17Every now and then I turn the last page of a book and say “Wow!”  Michael Crummey’s Sweetland was one of those books; Affinity Konar’s Mischling is another.  Instead of having the next read close at hand, I need to sit for a few minutes to let it all sink in, to be swept up by the

Reading Suggestions for You! – “ When Mischief Came to Town”Recommended by Erin Lngan1/06/2017 Inge Maria’s story begins with a goat on the boat that nibbles off the braid on one side of her head while she sleeps on her way to the Danish island of Bornholm. She arrives disheveled, hungry, and missing her mother terribly (in addition to her one braid). But

Snow Island by Katherine TowlerRecommended by Lynn M. Piotrowicz12/16/2016The isolation and hardship that Towler writes about in Snow Island appeals to this reader, simply because she captures the ruggedness of humanity so succinctly.  Towler’s characters don’t whine, they don’t have a fatalistic attitude; they just pull up their bootstraps or oilskins and proceed with life.   Ever since reading about the



Each library will be represented by a staff member, who will be guided through a training program designed by WebJunction, the learning program of OCLC Research. Participants will apply what they learn to reimagine and reconfigure library space to support socially engaging and active learning programming that addresses a defined community need.”These libraries were chosen based on a well-articulated understanding

Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton

Reading Suggestions for You!Recommended byDenise Getts12/8/2016This book is about the human need for connection and the deep need to belong. It is a story beautiful in its descriptions, and in the richness of its deep, complex and fully believable characters. This is the calmest, quietest post-apocalyptic book I have ever read but not without its surprises and moments of excitement. 

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