The above picture depicts the ceremonial event of the “LAYING OF THE CORNERSTONE” at the Tucker Free Library. The event was depicted in an unknown local newspaper as such:

The corner stone of the library building was laid on Monday, August 17, 1903, the same being Old Home Day proper in Old Home Week for this town. The progress that had been made upon the construction of the building had brought the work up to this point at that time. The formal part of the work was done by Crescent Lodge, I.O.O.F of this town, a very large number of the members being in line. A very large concourse of people was present from some ten or twelve different states… Mr. Henry A. Emerson, chairman of the building committee, was master of ceremonies; Rev. F.A. Balcom opened the exercises with prayer; when Mr. Emerson in a few words requested the proper officers of the lodge to lay the corner stone, which was very efficiently done by Past Grand Chadwick, assisted by Chaplain Frank A. Connor, Secretary John C. Cogswell and Marshall Arthur G. Preston. After prayer by the chaplain and reading of records by the secretary, the copper box, 10 [or 30 article is bad copy and reader can’t distinguish] inches in length, 6 inches wide and 4 inches deep, was found to contain the following articles of value: Copy of the last will and testament of George W. Tucker with a good photograph of the testator, who had made it possible for Henniker to have a fine library; the warrant of the town meeting containing articles for the acceptance of the bequest and proper action for its care; a copy of the records of town meeting held March 10, 1903, so far as related to the matter of the library, a copy of the paper read at said meeting, by which Henry A. Emerson gave the town a lot upon which to place the library building; list of the library building committee with photograph; card of the Nashua Granite Co., contractors for the construction of the building; card of Seth A. Bunnell, who was to have the wood work in charge; card of H.M. Francis & Sons, architects of Fitchburg, Mass., who furnished the plans; a copy of Henniker town report dated Feb. 15, 1903; copy of the Henniker Courier under date of Aug. 18, 1903; copy of the Kearsarge Independent and Times under date of Aug. 14, 1903; copy of the constitution and by-laws of Crescent Lodge; invitation of Old Home Week, 1903, with program of four days commencing Aug. 15, 1903; a paper weight bearing a picture of Henniker town hall; a United States coin of 1903; and a short sketch of the life of the donor of the library fund. The box was then sealed by E.N. Connelly, local tinsmith, and placed in the solid Henniker granite prepared for the purpose. It was then securely cemented by Contractor Stevens and the heavy capstone was swung to its position followed by an address by Mr. Chadwick and short addresses by Revs. T.C.H. Bouton, G.A. McLucas and A.W. Frye and L.W. Cogswell.

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