In the Manchester, NH newspaper dated September 23, 1904, the headline read “HANDSOME GIFT WAS DEDICATED TUCKER FREE LIBRARY NOW IN HANDS OF TRUSTEES, UP TO DATE IN EVERY WAY.”  During the morning of September 22m 1904 the library was open for public inspection.  Town residents and neighbors visited the library for the first time!…The importance of a library was also genuinely understood by community members, “we trust that many other valuable books and reading matter will come to it, that in time this town shall have a library that shall be patronized with such delight that this and coming generations will see to it that the present high reputation of the the town as being one of the most intelligent in this Commonwealth, shall ever be fully maintained.  The gratitude and dreams for the library to coming generations was echoed in the song of dedication which was composed by Rev. N.F. Carter.

“Great God, our Father, in whose eyes
Our best endeavors seem so small,
To Thee shall glad thanksgiving rise,
In grateful answer to Thy call.

This temple reared by human hands
For Wisdom’s treasures’ old and new,
More precious far than golden sands,
The wisdom of the good and true

We dedicate to Thee in love,
By grateful speech in song and prayer,
Accept it from Thy throne above,
And ever have it in Thy care.

As long as ages come and go,
Bourne on, on Time’s untiring wing,
May Learning’s richest blessings flow
From this its pure, perennial spring.

Here gladly may the old and young
Come, as come bees to summer hives;
Here may the donor’s praise be sung
In richer, nobler, grander lives!


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