Recommended by Lynne Lawrence

If you are going to read only one book about American history in your entire lifetime, I would suggest Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose.   I’ve always been fascinated by the Lewis and Clark expedition, and this book, published in 1997, is history come alive.  And for good reason – Ambrose makes extensive use of Meriwether Lewis’s own daily journals, giving us a direct eye into the majestic but often hostile wilderness.  Ambrose himself spent many years following the trail, on horseback and by canoe, immersing himself in the rugged terrain that the explorers traveled over 200 years ago. 

Most of us at some time in our lives have been on camping trips, sat around campfires, battled giant mosquitoes, and listened to unsettling sounds in the darkness beyond the firelight.  But imagine doing this for more than 800 nights.  READ MORE...

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